2017年 8月号 B項


2017年 8月号 B項

Business: English Skills



“After consultation with my Generals and military experts, please be advised that the United States Government will not accept or allow Transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the U.S. Military.
1) Our military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail. Thank you”

1) アメリカ軍は、圧倒的な勝利をおさめることに集中すべきであり、トランスジェンダーを受け入れることで起こる、多額の医療費や混乱などの負担は受け入れられない

please be advised that~ ~を報告します(~ということを留意してください)/in any capacity どんな形でも、どんなことも/decisive 決定力のある; 重大な 
overwhelming 圧倒的な,抵抗できない/be burdened with~ ~を背負う、〈厄介なことをしょいこむ〉/tremendous ものすごい、巨大な/disruption崩壊、分裂、中断/entail 必然的に伴う、必要とする


A recent Military Times article revealed that the number of troops undergoing gender reassignment is rather low.
Only around 250 members of the military are part of that transgender reassignment process, out of more than 1.4 million total active duty
troops. In other words, less than 0.02 percent of the active duty force is affected by Trump’s announced change.
Unsurprisingly, liberal pundits were quick to attack the president’s announcement, and criticized him as being an enemy of transgender
individuals because of the decision. The simple fact is, however, that transgenderism and transsexualism have long been viewed as mental health issues by medical experts.
The U.S. military is simply not the best fit for everyone.

It is not inconsistent to hope that somebody dealing with transgender issues or gender dysphoria receives help and lives a happy and successful life, while at the same time acknowledging that an infantry unit in Iraq is not the right place to work through those issues. President Trump and Secretary Mattis made a tough call on this challenge, but putting the fighting ability of the military ahead of a costly social experiment was the right decision.
(ConservativeTribune,http://conservativetribune.com/breaking-trump-trans-military 2017/07/26更新, 2017/07/29引用)

reveal 明らかにする/troop 隊、組、団/reassignment 配置転換 *gender reassignment 性転換/active duty 現役/force 力、(この場合は)部隊/ pundit 賢者、学者先生、専門家、権威者(この場合は馬鹿にした感じで使っている)/liberal 自由主義の; 進歩的な/fit 適する/dysphoria違和、身体違和感、精神不安感/infantry 歩兵(隊) /unit (この場合)部隊/workthrough~
~を見事に処理する[完成させる] /make a tough call 難しい決断をする

記事の2つの main points 読み取れましたか?

