Business: English Skills
日本をはじめ、アジア諸国を周っているトランプ米大統領ですが、「北朝鮮は地獄だ」などと表現した11月8日の韓国国会での演説が関心を集めています。北朝鮮の核の脅しに団結して対抗するのは良心の問題だとして、「北朝鮮の野蛮な体制」を孤立化させるため、同国への援助や支援を拒否するよう世界各国に呼び掛けました。このソウルでの演説内容を伝えるメディアに出てきた見出しが、”DO NOT TRY US” (我々を試すな。)です。この一見簡単な表現にはどれくらいの重みが込められているのでしょうか?この部分の演説を抜粋して解説を行いたいと思います。
Today, I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for all civilized nations, when I say to the North: Do not underestimate us, and do not try us.(1) We will defend our common security, our shared prosperity, and our sacred liberty.
We did not choose to draw here, on this peninsula — (applause) — this magnificent peninsula — the thin line of civilization that runs around the world and down through time. But here it was drawn, and here it remains to this day. It is the line between peace and war, between decency and depravity, between law and tyranny, between hope and total despair.(2) It is a line that has been drawn many times, in many places, throughout history. To hold that line is a choice free nations have always had to make. We have learned together the high cost of weakness and the high stakes of its defense.
America’s men and women in uniform have given their lives in the fight against Nazism, imperialism, Communism and terrorism.
America does not seek conflict or confrontation, but we will never run from it. History is filled with discarded regimes that have foolishly tested America’s resolve.(3)
Anyone who doubts the strength or determination of the United States should look to our past, and you will doubt it no longer.(3) We will not permit America or our allies to be blackmailed or attacked. We will not allow American cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not be intimidated. And we will not let the worst atrocities in history be repeated here, on this ground, we fought and died so hard to secure. (Applause.)
That is why I have come here, to the heart of a free and flourishing Korea, with a message for the peace-loving nations of the world: The time for excuses is over. Now is the time for strength. If you want peace, you must stand strong at all times. (Applause.) The world cannot tolerate the menace of a rogue regime that threatens with nuclear devastation.
We did not choose to draw here (, on this peninsula — (applause) — this magnificent peninsula –) the thin line of civilization that runs around the world and down through time.
(1) Today, I hope I speak not only for our countries, but for all civilized nations, when I say to the North: Do not underestimate us, and do not try us.
→not only A but B の構文を見逃さないように!
(2) It is the line between peace and war, between decency and depravity, between law and tyranny, between hope and total despair.
(3) America does not seek conflict or confrontation, but we will never run from it. History is filled with discarded regimes that have foolishly tested America’s resolve.
(4) Anyone who doubts the strength or determination of the United States should look to our past, and you will doubt it no longer.
speak for 代弁する/underestimate 過小評価する/peninsula半島/decencyきちんとしていること,礼儀正しさ;体面,体裁 →例)He is a decent person. 彼はまともな人だ。/depravity 堕落,腐敗. /tyranny 専制政治,暴政/despair 絶望/imperialism 帝国主義/Communismコミュニズム; 共産主義/run from~ ~から逃げる/discard 捨てる、処分する/regimes 政体、体制、政権、制度/resolve 決心,決意/atrocities 暴虐、非道、残虐/menace 脅迫、威嚇、脅し、危険なもの/rogue 悪党、ごろつき/devastation 荒らすこと、荒廃(状態)、惨害、惨状