Business: English Skills
今回は10月末で日本から完全撤退を表明している、アメリカのファストファッションの「フォーエバー 21(FOREVER 21)」に関する記事を解説していきたいと思います。
U.S. fast-fashion chain Forever 21 will close all of its 14 stores in Japan at the end of October, the U.S. company’s Japanese arm said Wednesday. It also plans to close its Japanese online store.
The chain closed its last outlet in Hong Kong on Monday, with four years left on its lease. It had shuttered its high- flagship store in Causeway Bay, the city’s prime shopping district, in 2017.
Forever 21 closed its stores in Taiwan in March, after what were described in a memo to staff as “years of losses.” (1) The group shuttered its online site in mainland China the following month and kicked off clearance sales at its physical stores around the country.
(2) U.S. media reported in August that Forever 21 is considering filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, as the spread of online retailers has eroded the company’s ability to pull in customers and weighed on its financial health.
Forever 21 opened its first store in Japan in Tokyo’s Harajuku district in April 2009 and later expanded to other cities. The U.S. company led the fast-fashion trend in Japan, along with Sweden’s H&M Hennes & Mauritz, which entered in the country in 2008.
Amid fierce competition, Forever 21 has shrunk its operations, closing its flagship Harajuku store in October 2017.
By Nikkei Staff Writers “Forever 21 to exit Japan in October”, Nikkei Asian Review, September 25, 2019,
Lease借地契約、 Shuttered 損なわれた、Filing 提出、Eroded浸食する、Bankruptcy倒産、Expanded拡大した
(1) The group shuttered its online site in mainland China the following month and kicked off clearance sales at its physical stores around the country.
フォーエバー 21グループは中国本土のオンランサイトを閉鎖し、クリアランスセールを実店舗で開始した。
この文に書かれている“kicked off”は英会話でよく使われるフレーズです。Kicked off はサッカーの「キックオフ」と同じ意味で何かを始めるという意味で使われます。
また “get kicked off”の場合は「〜から追い出される」という意味で使われます。
(2) U.S. media reported in August that Forever 21 is considering filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, as the spread of online retailers has eroded the company’s ability to pull in customers and weighed on its financial health.
米メディアは8月にフォーエバー 21が米連邦破産法11条の適用を申請する準備をしていると報道した。ネット通販との競争激化により経営状態が悪化した。
“Filing for”のフレーズは「〜を申告する」という意味で使われます。Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection は米連邦破産法11条で日本の民事再生法に相当します。Chapter 11は「倒産」「経営破綻」とほとんど同じ意味で使われています。