

156回 YY-club アジェンダ

AGENDA for the 156th Y-Y (Wai-Wai) CLUB

  1. DATE :Feb. 27th (4nd Sat.), 2021(Without party)
    PLACE: 3rd floor of Petit Maison Yoyogi

  2. DISCUSSION or DEBATE: 6:00PM~8:00PM
    CONDUCTED by Mr. Ben Henderson and Sam-san (Nicholas- san participating )
  3. *TOPICS:

(1)Hard Topic: The result of the 2020 Presidential election has been ended with Joe Biden and the Democratic party’s win. Despite the settlement, it seems o still have ongoing political disputations between communities among the U.S. Considering the shown facts above, today we are going to discuss the topics such as…

1) Is the USA a democratic country?
2) Should the USA be divided into two countries in order to be kept as democratic states?

 (2)Soft Topic: Should the Tokyo Olympic Games be held in this summer or postponed again, or even to be canceled? If the Games is going to be held, how should the Games be operated in this limited situation?

for \2500 初回参加者はFree
Free of charge for foreigners or our staff.
for party fee(participants in party only.)

ABCD学院受付  TEL : 03-5365-1341 / FAX : 03-5365-1340

We call for participants in this meeting through Skype!!