159回 YY-club アジェンダ


159回 YY-club アジェンダ

AGENDA for the 159th Y-Y (Wai-Wai) CLUB

  1. DATE :Oct. 2nd (1st Sat.), 2021(Without party)
    PLACE: 3rd floor of Petit Maison Yoyogi

  2. DISCUSSION or DEBATE: 6:00PM~8:00PM
    CONDUCTED by Mr. Corson and Sam-san (Nicholas- san participating )
  3. *TOPICS:

(1)Hard Topic: This is conducted by Corson Jones-san

On August 25th, US president Biden declared to withdraw all of US troops from Afghan by the end of August earlier than imagined ,that is the third time loosed war since the Viet num war. Dr. Diamond pointed out that although America as the big country, failed in the Viet num war, they could not learnt the reason why they failed ,and again they are repeating the same failure in Afghan. We discuss the reasons why they are failed for 20 years and lost $88 billion.

(2) Soft Topic: This is conducted by Sam-san

IOC & JOC decided TOKYO 2020 Olympic Games to start without audiences at July 24th and finished August 18th,although the government declared emergency due to Coronavirus in Tokyo and the other 6 cities. Are you interested in the games and what programs of the games?

for \2500 初回参加者はFree
Free of charge for foreigners or our staff.
for party fee(participants in party only.)

ABCD学院受付  TEL : 03-5365-1341 / FAX : 03-5365-1340

We call for participants in this meeting through Skype!!