Business: English Skills
Infection cases with the new omicron variant of the novel coronavirus have been found in Japan. It is necessary to prepare quickly for a possible outbreak of community-acquired infections.
Two people, a Namibian diplomat and a man in his 20s who had been in Peru, were found to be infected with the omicron variant. They both were confirmed to be positive in tests at an airport quarantine station. The Japanese government has categorized everyone who traveled on the same planes as close contacts and asked them to quarantine at accommodation facilities.
The government has already taken steps to strengthen border control measures, such as temporarily banning the entry of foreigners and narrowing down the number off people entering the country.
There are many unknown factors regarding the omicron variant, including its infectiousness and pathogenicity. It is vital to analyze domestic and international information in detail and come out with effective measures.
There are still many questions regarding how well existing vaccines will work against omicron variant, but Western countries have already been promoting booster vaccinations.
In Japan, the third round of vaccinations for medical workers had begun. People will be able to receive a third vaccine does if more than eight months have passed since their second\d shot, but the government is repeatedly considering shortening he interval. To avoid confusion, the government must thoroughly explain when and where the general public will be able o receive booster shots.
If there is a surge in cases, the government intends to establish a system under which about 30% more patients will be able to receive hospital treatment, compared to the peal period during the fifth wave of infections this summer. Cooperation with medical institutions will be necessary to ensure that the system will be ready for immediate operation.
Regarding the government’s response to the omicron variant, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry requested airlines to suspend new reservations for international flights to Japan for a month to limit the number of people entering the country, but soon withdrew the request. The withdrawal was decided to give consideration to Japanese expatriates who were hoping to return home during the year-end-and New Year holidays.
Even though a trial-and-error approach is unavoidable because the government is dealing with a variant about which little is known, it is regrettable that the move gave the impression that there was confusion. It is hoped that the government will take prompt and approach action to eliminate public anxiety.
(参照:”Speed up preparations to prevent spread of omicron variant in Japan” – from the Yomiuri Shimbun, Dec. 3, 2021
Community-acquired infections (名詞) 市中感染
Accommodation facility (名詞) 宿泊施設
Infectiousness (名詞) 感染力
Pathogenicity (名詞) 病原性
Expatriate (名詞) 国外移住者、国外追放者
【1】“The Japanese government has categorized everyone who traveled on the same planes as close contacts and … “
categorize(動詞:分類する)は、後ろにasを用いて、「categorize A as B」(AをBに分類する)という形でも使用されます。この文章では、Aが「同じ飛行機に乗っていた人全員」で、Bが「濃厚接触者」にあたります。同義表現としては、classify A as Bがあります。
他にも後ろにasを伴う動詞として、regard A as B(AをBとみなす)、know A as B(AをBだと知っている)、acknowledge A as B(AをBと認める)などがよく使用されます。これらの動詞のパターンを学習することで、よりスムーズに英文が読めるようになるでしょう。
【2】“Even though a trial-and-error approach is unavoidable because the government is dealing with a variant about which little is known, …”
ここでは「a variant about which little is known」の表現について解説します。名詞variantの後ろに続くabout whichに一瞬戸惑うことがあるかもしれません。この文章を分解してみると、
・The government is dealing with a variant.
・Little is known about a variant
の2文が見えてきます。後者の文のa variantを関係代名詞whichに変換すると、
Little is known about which
となります。1文にする際に、whichだけを前に持っていきたくなりますが、aboutも忘れてはいけません。About whichでひとかたまりですので、aboutが欠けると文が成立しません。リーディングでは突然の前置詞の登場に混乱しないように、そしてスピーキングでは前置詞を言い忘れないように意識しましょう。
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