152回 YY-club アジェンダ


152回 YY-club アジェンダ

AGENDA for the 152nd Y-Y (Wai-Wai) CLUB

  1. DATE&TIME:Feb.22nd (4th Sat.), 2020, 6:00PM ―9:00PM
    PLACE: 3rd floor of Petit Maison Yoyogi

  2. DISCUSSION or DEBATE: 6:00PM~8:00PM
     Mr. Nicholas Christian & Ms.Belinder Simonds
  3. *TOPICS:

(1)Hard Topic:  This is conducted by Ms. Belinda Simmons.

In the world, there are many forest fires in several regions such as Australia, Los Angeles, the Amazon in Brazil and others recently. In Australia, the fires have been raging since September last year till now. And now, it is spreading into 190,000 km2 of forests, which is equivalent to half of all the land in Japan. These fires are caused by Global warming, the world people ,which is being pointed out by a 16-year-old girl and the COP25’s announcement. In addition, Japan was given the dishonorable prize of ‘Fossil Fuel ‘.

How should Japan contribute to the COP 25?  What measures should Japan take as our responsibility?

(2) Soft Topics: Let’s dream about having a flaying car! This is conducted by Nicholas.

Do you think a flying car is from the world of dreams or from a dystopia?

What rules should the government provide to keep its perfect safety record.

“On Jan.22nd in ‘19, a Boeing Co. prototype flying taxi completed its first test flight and Airbus SE’s drone-style self-driving air taxi will follow within weeks –both of them trailing the wake of Alphabet INC. founder Larry Page, whose Kitty Hawk vehicle took its maiden flight in New Zealand last year.”

4.  CLUB TICKET (or equivalent lesson ticket) for \2500+ \1000 (charges for alcohol & food)、初回参加者は\1000(drink charge)のみ
Free of charge for foreigners or our staff.

備考:Internetでの参加:時間帯 日本時間6:00~8:00 PM (2h)
ABCD学院受付  TEL : 03-5365-1341 / FAX : 03-5365-1340

We call for participants in this meeting through Skype!!