

157回 YY-club アジェンダ

AGENDA for the 157th Y-Y (Wai-Wai) CLUB

  1. DATE :Apr. 24th (4nd Sat.),2021(Without party)
    PLACE: 3rd floor of Petit Maison Yoyogi
  2. DISCUSSION or DEBATE: 6:00PM~8:00PM
  3. CONDUCTED by Mr. Ben-san, Corson-san and Sam-san (Nicholas- san participating )
  4. *TOPICS:

(1)Hard Topic:  This is conducted by Ben-san or Corson Jones-san

According to Japanese newspaper articles, the number of female Japanese diet

Members ranks 120 place among the 156 countries in the world.  We are ashamed that it means Japan is below Chin and S. Korea. So, we should discuss “How to increase the number of female politicians such as by using a quota system which has been implemented in France?

 (2) Soft Topic: Recently, Mr. Ishiguro who is the British writer and was awarded the Nobel prize in Literature three years ago published a new book named “Kurara to Ohisama”.
The book’s contents is that it is written as if it was written by AI.
Question: AI will be able to emotionally move humans on their feeling ?

for \2500 初回参加者はFree
Free of charge for foreigners or our staff.
for party fee(participants in party only.)

ABCD学院受付  TEL : 03-5365-1341 / FAX : 03-5365-1340

We call for participants in this meeting through Skype!!