2017年 4月号 D項


2017年 4月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline




II. Movement towards Anti-Globalization in the US
2. External influences: Impact on Japan
Mr. Trump’s remark “Japan should also have nuclear weapons” let the citizens make a mistake, and the fact that Japan is silent sends the wrong message to the world. It should be immediately argued as a government and it is extremely important to clearly communicate the intention of Japan. This (argument) will also help Americans not to make the wrong choice. In September Mr. Ishihisa of the LDP strongly argued that “Japan would never possess nuclear weapons”. Although this is important, it is important to refute as the Japanese government. If North Korea possessed nuclear weapons, Japan still would not possess them.
Of course, the national opinion would be divided. If Japan is to possess nuclear weapons, it would spread all over the world. It is time to practice patience. It is Gandhi’s no-resistance. We only have to take world opinion on our side. Otherwise, it will trigger a chain reaction and the world would be filled with nuclear weapons. I think that Japan, as the only atomic bombed country, should not possess them no matter what.

3. Can the United States continue to be the world leader?
3.1 Professor Joseph Nye’s view
Here I would like to introduce the opinions of Joseph Nye, theuniversity distinguished service professor at Harvard, from his latestbook, “Is the American Century Over?”
He developed a concept called “Soft power.” He argues that inpolitics, there are two different kinds of powers. Here we consider the power as “the ability to influence the behavior or interests of others.” And according to him, this kind of power can be either “hard” or “soft.”
①HARD POWER uses the means of enforcing or rewarding
②SOFT POWER uses the means of attractiveness or persuasion of the leader To demonstrate the maximum capacity of a leader, SOFT POWER is important.
And the leadership of the US is based on the following factors:
・Ability to welcome immigrants and the population increase as a result. That is, the increase of applicants for migration.
・Entrepreneurial spirit that creates innovation.
The world’s best higher education system, though their tuitions may be high.
・ Exhibit leadership in the international community, providing global public goods (such as international currency and dollars) and global internet systems. These will lead to an increase in world public opinion in favor of the US leadership. Also, Mr. Nye points out:
・The wider the US decline theories spread, the more the importance of the SOFT POWER concept.
・The US position in the world economy is definitely declining with the rise of new powerful countries such as China, in terms of SOFT POWER the US continues to be at the top.
・The largest number of allied nations

Conclusion of his opinions;
Along with the US superiority in the military HARD POWER, the American century is expected to continue.

Considering the points above, what policies the US should adopt?
① Demonstrate its strong leadership in creating global public goods
・Manage and maintain international key currency/dollar
・Secure the freedom of navigation
・Address environmental issues
② Limited military intervention
・ Maintain the military balance between East Asia and Europe
・ The US should refrain from getting deep into occupation and managementin the Middle East; it is reasonable to take a containment strategy from outside

Written by Mr.Chiba and translated by Mr. Sasaki

II.  米国のAnti-Globalizationへの動向
トランプ氏の発言「日本も核兵器を持つべきである。」は米国民へ誤った選択をさせ、また、日本がこれに対して黙っていることは世界に誤ったメッセージ伝えることとなる。直ちに政府として反論すべきであり、日本の意思を明確に伝えることは極めて重要である。このことは(反論すること)米国民へ間違った選択をさせないことへの支援ともなる。9月に自民党の石破氏は「日本は核兵器を保有することはない」と強く否定した。これは大切であるが、日本政府として反論することが重要である。もし、北朝鮮が核兵器を保有したとなった時、日本はそれでも持たないとする。当然、国論は割れるであろう。もし、 日本も核兵器を保有するとなったら、世界中に拡散することとなる。ここはがまんである。ガンジーの無抵抗主義である。世界世論を味方にするしかない。でなければ、核兵器への連鎖となろう。唯一の被爆国として断じて保有してはならないと考える。

3.1 ジョセフ・ナイ教授の意見
① ハード・パワーとは:これを強制や報酬で行わせる力
② ソフト・パワーとは:リーダーの魅力や説得による力
① 移民を受け入れる能力とそれに伴う、国内の人口増加のキャパシティ即ち、米国への移住希望者の増加
② イノベーションを生む起業家精神
③ 授業料は高いが、世界最高の高等教育制度

① 米国の衰退論が増すにつれ、ソフトパワー論が重要性を増している。
② 米国は確かに、世界経済の地位は中国等の新興国の台頭によって相対的に低下しているが、ソフトパワーでは米国が引き続きトップである。
③ 同盟国や友好国の多さでも、トップである。


① グローバルな公共資財創出におけるリーダーシップ発揮
② 限定的軍事力介入