2017年 6月号 D項


2017年 6月号 D項

Debate: Topic and Outline


ABCD Institute Educational Policy
~How to teach students to have “Active learning” Education~

1. Problems with the Japanese Education System:
Since Japanese education system has started nationwide from the Meiji Restoration, during 19th century, the basic education principle has been “transferring information”, and “increasing knowledge” which is called ‘Passive learning’, up to the present time.

2. Why do we need this education system making students to think
   The reason why I established this school was to make up the lack of the Japanese education system that previously described. After graduating from university and going out into the world as an engineer, I realized how important it is to think for yourself and then act, not to wait until your superior actually gives you instructions. For the administrative post, you usually have to solve the problems on your own when the problem arises. Also, it’s all the more important if you have an opportunity to discuss with foreigners through work, or succeed overseas.

 This year, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (we call it “the Ministry of Education & Science” as shortened) announced “New Education Ministry Guidelines” for the lower classes of primary schools. Transition from ” Passive learning Education” or “knowledge-oriented education” to “Active learning” will bring a big change. This will be introduced to foster superior human resources because “Thinking for yourself and solving problems on your own” is necessary in this global society.

3. How should we do “in-depth learning”?
   It’s important that the Ministry of Education & Science revised the education guidelines (as I mentioned above) in this May, and showed “Active learning”education. This new guidelines will be fully implemented at elementary schools in 2020 because now it’s necessary to goster teachers following this guidelines.
   However, this institute has been trying to make students think deeply and critically since it started. We began to develop our teaching styles as follows. We gave students some assignments depending on their grades and English levels. For the upper classes, we asked them to try game-style debate to exercise discussion and acquire multi oints of view and/or multi ways of thinking.

 (1) Do the research on your own and summarize your opinion.
      Teachers have to teach students how to research and summarize their own ideas, however, teachers shouldn’t give them answers first.
The research methods are: using Internet with PC, and readingeducational materials like textbooks and books.
(2) Discover the problem, search for the cause, seek some approachs to solve the problem, and summarize by yourself.
      This process is very important. We give students a theme and let them think how to find out the problem. They research on their own, summarize their opinions, and present them during the class. Moreover, we always take some time for questions and answers after the presentation. Brainstorming is an efficient way to find out the problem and solution because it generates various ideas and come up with creative solutions.
      In this institute, we use brainstorming for multilateral analysis. As a result, it makes it possible to think critically.

Written by Mr.Chiba and translated by Ms.Kojima & Mr. Sasaki


1.      日本の教育システムの問題点 

2.      なぜ? 考えさせる教育システムが必要か?

また 今年、文部科学省は大学入試改革(含む、英語入試)と低学年生に向けて、「新・学習指導要領」を告示した。これはこれまでの「知識偏重教育」から「考えさせる教育」へと変更することである。理由はグローバル社会として人材を育成するには「問題を自分で発見し、解決できる必要がある。」ためである。文部科学省も漸く気が付いたと言える。

3.      どのように、「考えさせる教育」を行うか?
(1)     自分で調べ、意見をまとめる力の育成:
(2)     学院では、多面的に考えるため、原因分析には多方面から分析するため、ブレン・ストーミング手法を用いる。結果として、クリティカル・シンキングができる。