Business: English Skills
It has been decided to release treated water containing radioactive materials from Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings Inc.’s Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant. The government must it widely known that the release of water will not affect the environment, and make efforts to prevent reputational damage to marine products from the water release into the ocean.
The volume of treated water has been increasing at a rate of 140 tons per day, and there are now more than 1,000 tanks. The capacity of the tanks reportedly will be reached in autumn next year or later. It will take about two years to prepare for the release of treated radioactive water into the sea, including work to lay pipes. Further delay in the situation can be said to be unacceptable.
Based on the report by an expert panel, the government has concluded that it is appropriate to dilute treated water to a certain level before releasing it into the sea. This approach is supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Tritium, a radioactive substance conducted in the treated water, also exist in nature and cannot be removed even by purification equipment, so treated water including tritium has been released into the sea from many nuclear power plants both in Japan and abroad. European and other countries also actually use the same approach. There appears to be virtually no other option.
Opposition is persistent, especially among fishermen. The government need to thoroughly explain the nature of tritium and the release procedures, and ease consumers’ anxiety.
China and South Korea continue to restrict food import. They oppose the release of the treated water into the sea, but the Japanese government must consistently urge them to change their positions. It is also important to establish a system to continuously monitor water quality in the surrounding area with the cooperation of the IAEA, to improve the transparency of the release process.
The government reportedly plans to release the treated water gradually over coming 30 years. Decommissioning the reactors at the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant will take 30 to 40 years. The decision to release treated water into the sea is only one step on that long path. In the future, the most difficult task will be to extract the molten fuel. With the tank occupying the site, the situation was on the verge of hampering work to extract the fuel.
The government spent 10 years deciding to release the treated water into the sea. It is difficult to say the government demonstrated leader ship to break the deadlock and move forward. TEPCO and the government should draw up a detailed plan and steadily carry out the release.
(出典 Ensure smooth release of treated water; make true facts widely known – The Japan News 2021/4/14 )
Radioactive substance 放射性物質
Reputational 評判の
Dilute 希釈する
Batter 打ち壊す、虐待する
Purification equipment 浄化装置
Transparency 透明性
Decommissioning 廃炉 < decommission(原子力施設などを)閉鎖する
Hamper ~の動きを妨げる
Deadlock 膠着状態
- There appears to be virtually no other option.
Thereから始まる文で最も一般的なのは“there is/are“の様にbe動詞が来るパターンだと思いますが、実はthereの後ろには自動詞も来ることができます。Thereの後ろに続く動詞と主語を着実におさえることが、少し複雑なthere構文をマスターする鍵になります。
There appears to be(V) virtually no other option(S).
(V) Appear to be ~であるようだ
(S) no other option 他の選択肢はないとなります。
“There is virtually no other option”だと、上記の場合よりも断定的な表現になります。
- With the tank occupying the site, the situation was on the verge of hampering work to extract the fuel.
(補足) 通常の運用での原子力発電では上記の「燃料を取り出す作業が妨害される寸前の状況」というのはありえない状態である。現状の福島原発1号機では2011年の事故で燃料がメルトダウンしているため燃料を取り出す作業が困難になっている背景がある。
- 付帯状況(~しながら)
- 条件(~するならば)
- 原因(~するので)
上記の3つの意味は分詞構文の持つ5つの意味にも含まれているため、分詞構文と同じような働きを持つと考えられます。今回の文では、2の原因の意味で使用されています。 現在分詞や過去分詞の他にも、補語の位置には形容詞、副詞、前置詞句、形容詞句も置かれる場合もあります。
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